Prep It
The App For A Smooth Grocery Experience
Project Overview
We have observed that current meal prep apps do not offer price comparison of different stores which is causing potential users to overspend and often miss out on grocery savings.
The Impact:
Prep It is a meal planning app that enables busy users to easily and quickly create a meal plan, grocery shop and price compare their total prices to ensure they are getting the best deal so they can stay withhin their budget.
The Problem:
PrepIT. A meal plan app that allows you to compare prices between different stores.
The Solution:
Kelly Humphrey
Regency Smith
Anna Munsell
UX Designers:
Figma, Word Doc, Trello, Excel, Powerpoint
We received survey results for 7 potential users and interviewed 8 potential users.
of participants meal plan for a single week at a time.
of participants stated that that their budget impacts were they shop and how they eat.
of users stated that the grocery shop bi-weekly.
of participants said that they would be likely to use an app that compares different grocery start prices
User Persona
We started by analyzing the information gathered. This allowed us to gather the main key points that users need to have when meal prepping.
Users need a quicker way to accomplish all the tasks that go into eating more healthy
Users struggle with bouncing between apps and sites to find meal ideas.
Most users are consistently going over budget.
I like, I wish, What if?
People with busy lifestyles and limited budgets need to quickly plan their meals for the week while staying mindful of their budget, because the lack of time effects their ability to stay cost conscious and make healthy choices.
User Insight:
We have observed that current meal prep apps do not offer price comparison of different stores which is causing potential users to overspend and often miss out on grocery savings.
Problem Statement:
If users are able to save time when planning meals and comparing prices then they will make heathier choices and stay within their budget.
Competitor Analysis Findings:
Grocery Delivery Option
Healthy food options made easy
Recipes within app
Easy add process
Filter by likes/dislikes and allergies
The Drawing Board:
During this stage we each took the time to draw out a flow for our vision of the app.
My Drawings
Anna’s Drawings
Regency’s Drawings
Task Flow:
After getting back together to talk over our thought process we were able to flesh out our drawings to create a true task flow.
After coming up with a task flow and talking over our drawings we were able to collectively create our wireframes which allowed us to conduct user testing
Tutorial and Sign up
Selecting preferences
Meal plan, grocery delivery process
After preforming some user testing we learned:
Users had difficulty navigating the home screen.
Users felt that their needed to be more visual indications of what things represented (For instance, the different store carts were confusing for users.)
Users felt more screens needed. For example, a page to congratulate the user upon completion of the app.
Users felt that more detail was needed
This information allowed us to then flesh out a more in-depth user flow and add our style guide to our final project.
User Flow
Style Guide
Clickable Prototype
Final Thoughts
Prep It is a meal planning app that enables you to customize your meal planning and grocery shopping experience all while saving you time and money. This app will be very valuable to busy individuals who want to ensure they are getting the best deal on their groceries.
Key takeaways:
Users felt a sense of trust when seeing testimonials
Users feel more confident when they were able to research the information on their own time
Further Development
Users could earn Coupons/Rewards through subscription
Set a radius of miles for local farms and grocery stores near them
Have a holiday meal section–have extra rewards during that time
A community tab
Single item cost compare: Compare different stores and prices on a single item at a time
Social Aspect: Recipes within the app can be liked and reviewed by users of the app. The recipes with the highest like count and the most reviews will appear at the top of search results